About Our Surgery

Practice Policies & Patient Information

Quote / Testimonial:
Newtons Practice is an established medical centre with eleven doctors serving over 14,200 patients in the Haywards Heath area. Centrally located in the town, the surgery provides the highest quality healthcare.

Our Practice opening times are 8.00am to 6.30pm Monday to Friday. 

We also have GP appointments and Nurse appointments available on a Saturday morning at our Network Group Practice in Haywards Heath.

As well as routine surgeries, the doctors and Practice Nurses provide a range of medical services and clinics which include Diabetes, Asthma, COPD, Gynae including contraceptive advice, Minor Surgery, NHS Health Checks and many more.  
We also have six Paramedic Practitioners who hold a daily ‘Urgent Care Clinic’ who will help you if you are unwell and need treatment or advice. 

The Paramedics will refer you on to see a GP if necessary. 
Our phone lines will be closed between 1pm – 2pm for administrative purposes, if you need urgent advice from a doctor during this period, please ring the surgery for details of the emergency mobile telephone number.

Please note any emergencies should be called through before 6pm as our phone lines go over at this time. You’ll be triaged and be able to speak to the ‘Duty Doctor’ as they are the only on call emergency doctor available. (Appointments and routine enquiries cannot be dealt with during this time).

Please make sure you give us your up to date mobile phone number and notify us if you are happy for a message to be left should you not answer.  Telephone calls are recorded for training and monitoring purposes.